Jyotish app
You all know that with our app you can understand the position of planetary influence every day. You will get in writing about your status of your expense, external-matters every day in our app. You can get around 17 conditions for the expense, external-matters. Almost all types of conditions and their meaning are being interpreted in this article so that you can understand the impact of the planet on that day.
1. expense, external-matters - Feelings may be disappointing due to being a weak situation regarding these matters. (especially negative for you )
Meaning - If such a situation about the expense, external-matters is mentioned, a little psychological pressure can be created due to disturbances that day.
2. expense, external-matters - There should not arise any disappointing situation even despite the weak situation regarding these matters..(normal negative for you )
2. expense, external-matters - There should not arise any disappointing situation even despite the weak situation regarding these matters..(normal negative for you )
Meaning- If such a situation is written about the expense, external-matters, despite the disturbance of expense, external-matters there must not be any mental pressure that day.
3. expense, external-matters - There should be some relief from the botheration regarding these matters. (slight positive for you)
Meaning - If such a situation is mentioned about expense, external-matters, there should be some relief from any disturbance that day.
4. expense, external-matters- A very good environment must be formed regarding these matters. Benefits of such opportunities must be taken. (especially positive for you )
Meaning- If such a situation is written about expenses, external-matters, then it is a good time. You should do pending works for expense, external-matters, some experiments can be started that day.
5. expense, external-matters - There should be created a pleasant environment regarding these things. (slight positive for you)
Meaning - If such a situation is mentioned about expense, external-matters, this status generally looks good, so there is no need to worry that day.
6. expense, external-matters - These matters may create distress and failure.
7. expense, external-matters - These matters may give agony and failure.
8. expense, external-matters - These matters may be disappointing and painful.
Meaning- If these kinds of sentences are written about the expense, external-matters, the condition of these matters in general appears to be messed up, so take care of.
9.expense, external-matters - These matters must be providing pleasure and success.
10.expense, external-matters - These matters should be optimistic and victory providing.
11. expense, external-matters - These matters are likely to provide you pleasure and success.
Meaning- If this kind of sentence is written about health, the health status generally looks good, so there is no need to worry that day.
12. expense, external-matters - Normal attention must be going on towards any program regarding these matters.
13. expense, external-matters - Normal pressure of work likely to be going on with you regarding these matters.
14. expense, external-matters - Your activities must be going on regarding these matters.
Meaning- If this kind of sentence are written about expense, external-matters, the heart and mind go towards these matters, but it is somewhat difficult to understand whether the circumstances will be positive or negative on that particular day.
15. expense, external-matters - Some problems regarding these things may arise. Wear special colour clothes to lessen planets' bad effect. Donate money or something else to needy people. (especially negative for you )
Meaning - If this kind of sentence is written about expense, external-matters, then that day is considered to be worse. Keep yourself ready for every situation. Do not make any special program on that day. Continue your normal schedule throughout the day.
16. expense, external-matters - You may feel a temporary disturbance in your running good environment regarding these things.(slight negative for you)
Meaning- If such a situation is mentioned about expense, external-matters, you are likely to face a mild obstacle that day.
17. expense, external-matters - You may feel some weakness regarding these matters. (slight negative for you)
Meaning - If such a situation is mentioned about expense, external-matters, the health condition, in general, appears to be messed up, so take care about these matters.
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